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Manifesting with the New Moon

By January 12, 2021Astrology, Blog, Lifestyle
moon dried flowers
Flowing with the lunar cycle

The lunar cycle is a visual representation of Earth’s seasons. The new moon is the first day of this cycle. It heralds the end of our internal winter and marks the start of spring. The sun’s light gradually heightens, but the frost has not yet melted. The sweet promise of spring is in the air. We are coming alive after the darkness of winter, tentatively stretching our sleep-laden limbs. The new moon is a time of rebirth and renewal, a time for starting new projects and planting the seeds of our hopes, dreams and visions so that we may witness the miracle of manifestation.

During the new moon we are deeply in tune with our intuition and the divine guidance of Spirit. Creative, inspired ideas burst forth, fully formed into our consciousness. This is the energy of youth, expansion, faith and exploration. It asks us to break free from old patterns, to take a leap and trust that we will be fully supported. We are most receptive to the messages of the new moon when we hit the pause button and surrender to the present moment.

Get clear on your intentions for this cycle, season or year. Nurture the seeds of your intentions by watering them with the power of your actions and commit to putting in the work. What can you incorporate into your habits or daily routine to cultivate your vision? Consider a new moon ritual to deepen your practice and honor your rebirth.

woman in bed with a book and pink rose petals
What do you need to feel supported?

Practicing visualization allows us to align with our inevitable success and see that it’s possible for our dreams to come true. It helps to anchor them in reality. Fuse with your imagination and watch yourself accomplishing your goals in your mind’s eye. Get curious about how you can shift your mindset so that you feel supported in achieving the results you want with relative ease.

The energy of gratitude is the mass multiplier of the Universe. Each day, make a list of 3 things that you are thankful for. Not only does gratitude rewire your brain, it magnifies your abundance exponentially. Consider creating a vision board, reciting positive affirmations or listening to a guided meditation to resonate on the frequency of that which you desire.

pink and white crystal
New Moon Manifestation

Here is my new moon manifestation process for aligning with your dreams, goals and wishes. It is a technique to connect with Spirit and raise your frequency frequency so that you can access the hidden resources that await you beyond the veil. You can receive these resources through the pathways of your intuition. They will make themselves known to you through flashes of insight, vivid and meaningful dreams and divine downloads that arise during meditation.

1. Draw a picture, symbol of archetype that represents your goal- that which you wish to manifest. Delicately trace the outline of the image with your fingertip.

2. Recite your dream or goal aloud to yourself. Make sure that it is phrased in the past tense, as if you have already accomplished or received it. For example: I traveled to Norway to see the beautiful Northern Lights in August 2021.

3. Hold the vision in your mind’s eye, imagining what it will be like once you have achieved your goal. Spend 5-10 minutes in this visualization, getting crystal clear on all the details. Engage with all 5 of your senses. Where are you when you achieve your goal? What do you hear? Who are you with? What are you wearing? What time of day is it? What emotions do you feel?

4. Meanwhile, your sixth sense (your remarkable intuition) will begin connecting with Spirit. Immediately write down all the insights, ideas and action steps that pour into your consciousness and begin birthing them into reality. When you follow the divine guidance you received and take action on the physical plane, that which you wish to manifest will soon be yours.

What intentions are you setting with the support of this new moon? What energy are you calling in this lunar cycle? Share it with us in the comments below.


Blair, Gary Ryan. “Quantum Leap.” 100 Day Challenge. Accessed January 11, 2021.

Gottesdiener, Sarah Faith. The Moon Book: Lunar Magic to Change Your Life. St. Martin’s Essentials, 2020.