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The Call to Realign: Why Living My Purpose Wasn’t Working

By April 15, 2019November 23rd, 2020Blog, Intuition, Personal Development
girl in white gown running down forest path

In January, the birth of the New Year, I was utterly convinced I knew my path and my purpose. I wanted to offer healing to others.

But it wasn’t that easy. In order to live that purpose I would have to become something I never thought possible… a business owner.

I knew this meant I would have to do some serious learning and upleveling, undergoing a massive inner shift.

It would involve discovering how to embody the divine masculine so I could best serve my business and succeed as an entrepreneur. A concept that my brain embraced, but my feminine heart had to warm up to.

And yet, despite my confidence in my path, despite my ironclad resolve, things weren’t manifesting the way I had anticipated. Instead, I was met with obstacle after obstacle.

If this was my purpose, why was it so difficult?

I started wondering if I had gotten it all wrong. And this doubt began to eat away at me.

I finally admitted to myself that I needed help.

While I prefer to be my own oracle, sometimes we can’t do it alone and we aren’t meant to.

I decided to hire a coach to receive some clarity and direction.

Being an empath and healer are my natural gifts, but being a business owner is a different skill set that I still needed to hone.

The support of my coach has been tremendously helpful.

Over the course of our work together, it became clear that I needed to go within and confront shadow aspects of myself that I wasn’t previously aware of.

I thought I had done all of the shadow work.

But the subconscious is a sneaky thing and it will hide patterns and beliefs from us until we are ready to process them.

It turns out, I was carrying around some damaging limiting beliefs about what it meant to be an entrepreneur. When I was finally able to lay these wounds to rest, my soul breathed a deep sigh of relief. I wasn’t standing in my own way anymore.

It wasn’t until I cleaned that toxic inner muck off the walls that I became aware of a subtle whisper from the Universe.

It told me that I was meant to work with animals.

Except, being strong-willed and stubborn, I didn’t listen at first.

Instead, I resisted.

Ha! You have it all wrong, I thought.

This wasn’t part of my grand plan… I am only meant to be healing people.

But the Universe had other ideas and soon that whisper evolved into a shout.

It took a few weeks, but when I finally got the message and acknowledged where I was being led, I was met with more synchronicity than I have ever experienced in my life.

It was an explosion of 111’s and 222’s, seeing four cats in one day, a crazy accurate intuitive reading and a bumper sticker that said, “Let God Work” (among many other things).

Once I accepted the call and said, “Yes, I will work with people and animals even though it wasn’t what *I* had originally decided to do,” things started to fall into place.

My dreams have begun to manifest like crazy, the way I had expected them to the first time around.

My heart feels so full and I am happier than I have been in a long time.

Sometimes we think we have it all figured out. We are going confidently along our path when we reach a fork in the road. We are asked to divert, to change or adjust our original vision.

That aligned purpose we thought we were living, may not actually be a perfect fit for us after all.

If you are headstrong like me, you might resist this at first.

But change is our natural state of being and I’m learning to flow with it like so many waves in the ocean. 

When the Universe asks you to realign, listen!

The Divine may have other magical plans for you, ones that you couldn’t have possibly conceived of <3