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Expand Your Spiritual Practice with Ritual & Ceremony

By July 15, 2020November 23rd, 2020Blog, Energy healing, Esoteric
cleansing ceremony with palo santo
What is the purpose of a ritual?

The purpose of a ritual is to align the subtle bodies- the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of the self. Too often we neglect one or two of these at the expense of the others. For example, many empaths, who operate almost exclusively in the realm of the upper chakras, have wide open hearts and are very in touch with Spirit and their intuition. However, they pay little attention to the needs of their physical body (root chakra), repress their own desires (sacral) and have weak boundaries (solar plexus). Each day, consider doing something that honors each of your subtle bodies to cultivate balance in your life.

Honoring the Subtle Bodies

To honor your mind you can read a book, research a topic that interests you, listen to a podcast or Ted talk, solve a puzzle, take an online course or learn something new.

To honor your emotions you can write in a journal, listen to music, cuddle a pet, create art that represents how you’re feeling, confide in a friend or therapist, or engage in shadow work.

To honor your body you can eat nutritious foods, drink lots of water, exercise or play sports, schedule a massage, take a bath, have sex, get your nails done, dance, use a foam roller or acupressure mat.

To honor your spirit you can meditate, receive reiki, shamanic journey, pray, express gratitude, spend time in nature, automatic writing, read/listen to spiritual materials, sing your soul song, interpret your dreams, connect with your spirit guides, participate in breathwork or sound healing, yoga or tai chi.

What’s the difference between ritual and ceremony?

In contrast with a ritual, which is usually performed daily, weekly or monthly, a ceremony is performed at a specific time with a specific intention to precipitate a certain outcome (although it can be repeated). For example, you might have a morning ritual that consists of sipping green tea, reading, meditation and journaling. Whereas you would conduct a Samhain ceremony to honor your ancestors.

spanish church
Energetic threads from invisible realms

“Bringing ceremonial practices into our life helps us create a new reality, one filled with richness and purpose as we weave in vibrant energetic threads from the invisible realms.” -Sandra Ingerman

Ceremony creates a bridge between the sacred and the mundane. It helps us to deftly navigate the waves of change and welcome in new cycles. Ceremony can be used to manifest and ground our dreams and ideas into reality. It is opens a portal through which you may co-create your vision with the Universe and call in profound power, healing and clarity into your life. This cosmic alignment enables us to witness our desired intentions take root and blossom into fruition before our very eyes.

Momentous milestones such as weddings, funerals, births, and holidays all contain ceremonial aspects. You can use ceremony to bless the land or a new home. In doing so you may establish a positive relationship with the place you live and create a sense of comfort and security. Ceremony can be used to bless shifts and transitions in life, heal negative energy and break past life patterns that no longer serve us. Performing ceremonies with others can exponentially magnify the energy and power that’s generated as well as deepen relationships.

Elements of a Ceremony

How can you create your own ceremony or identify that one is taking place? Here are some of the signifying elements to consider:

  1. Intention- What is the purpose of performing the ceremony? What outcome do you wish to bring about? Consider writing your intention on a piece of paper and incorporating it into your ceremony.
  2. Timing- Is the date significant historically, personally or cosmologically? Is it a potent point in nature’s seasonal cycle or a specific phase of the moon?
  3. Space- Where will the ritual take place? Is an indoor or outdoor location more suitable? How can you prepare the space to capture the energy and vibration of your intention?
  4. Physical objects- material items such as herbs, robes, crystals, candles, oils, art, talismans and other sacred objects help hold our attention and remind us what our intentions, beliefs and ideals are.
  5. Symbols- allow us to anchor in the energy, feelings and knowings that we need to carry out the ceremony and connect with the archetypes we want to call in.
  6. Movement- helps the spirit merge with the body and can create trance-like states as can be observed in Sufi dancing. This affects our consciousness, calling forth memories and catalyzing energetic shifts.
  7. Sound- a part of creation that can create alignment, spur awakenings and induce a heightened state that opens up portals.
  8. Call in your spirit team- Contemplate which guides, ascended masters, ancestors, and angels you would like to call in to support you in the work ahead. You may recite the following invocation, “I express my thanks for your participation in this sacred ceremony and contributing your strength and love to manifest my intention for the highest good of all involved.”

If you’re looking to expand your spiritual practice, consider incorporating daily rituals to align your subtle bodies and performing meaningful ceremonies to manifest your intentions. Leave your egoic consciousness behind by opening the door between ordinary reality and the world beyond the veil.