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How to Deepen Your Connection to Plant Consciousness

By August 5, 2019November 23rd, 2020Blog, Energy healing, Intuition
Photo of me connecting with plant consciousness

How to Deepen Your Connection to Plant Consciousness

Before I delve into the finer points of how to connect with plant consciousness, I want to challenge your current notions of what plants are capable of.

Do you see plants as pleasing, but mostly decorative- a way of brightening up the landscape of life?

Perhaps as a way to nourish or even heal your body in a wholesome way, their very essence chock full of vitamins and minerals?

Or maybe you view plants as sentient entities with greater intelligence than we give them credit for? As allies that we can develop a symbiotic relationship with?

Your beliefs about plants may resemble one of the perspectives listed above or it may be entirely different. No matter what you may think about plants I invite you to keep an open mind as I share more about these mystifying beings.

Do Plants Have the Power to Read Minds?

Grover Cleveland Backster Jr. was the CIA agent who founded the agency’s polygraph program and developed his own method for conducting lie detection. One fateful day in 1966 Backster’s secretary placed a new plant in his office, a Dracaena fragrans. He hooked the plant up to the polygraph on a whim.

Hoping to evoke a reaction from the plant he poured hot coffee on one of the leaves, but the polygraph didn’t register any kind of response.

Not one to be easily discouraged, Backster decided to take things further and light a leaf on fire. Before he could do so the plant demonstrated an extreme response on the lie detector machine.

Backster deduced that the only explanation was that the plant could read his mind.

After performing a variety of experiments to test his theory, Backster concluded that plants possess certain faculties that enable them to perceive and interpret human thoughts and emotions.

You can read more about this fascinating phenomenon here.

The implications of this finding are astounding. This incident certainly altered my preconceived perception of plants. I see them in an entirely new way; as beings to connect with who have feelings of their own. However, Backster’s plant polygraph work is not the only curiosity that altered my beliefs. The Peruvian shamans’ relationship with plant consciousness has affected me as well.

Plants as Medicine

A tincture with flowers around it

In certain shamanic traditions within Peru plant medicine is highly revered and respected. Acolytes participate in dietas, a rite of passage among many that tests their discipline and commitment.

According to Santuario Healing, a dieta is, “the ancient practice of receiving the knowledge and healing of Amazonian plants by drinking their medicine in isolation in the rainforest, observing dietary restrictions and abstaining from social relations (particularly from the opposite sex).”

Dietas are often undertaken in preparation for ayahuasca ceremonies, but alternatively, they are also used for connecting with other master plants that may be discerningly assigned to an apprentice and chosen based on that plant’s specific properties.

The purpose of a bland diet is to ensure that plant medicine is readily received by the digestive system and to prevent interactions with other foods. Basically, it guarantees that the body is a blank canvas that can easily absorb the powerful plant medicine. Additionally, eating simple food provides a vital opportunity for detoxification. Sometimes we have a psychological attachment to certain foods without even being aware of it. By releasing this dependence the person is able to cleanse both the body and the spirit.

A dieta may last for as little as 8 days or as long as a year or more, it is said that the plant determines the duration. 

Ultimately the goal is to create a relationship with the spirit of the master plant, learn from it and receive the wisdom and medicine it has to offer. The apprentice’s days are spent singing icaros to the plant, talking to it and pondering its guidance. Over time a friendship develops that results in transformative healing.    

Shamans are not the only ones with the ability to work with plant spirits. You can too!

Part of forging a bond with plant spirits is recognizing that we are all connected, that we are all nature. Plants have so much to teach us if we are willing to be receptive to their wisdom.

Would you like to develop a relationship with a plant ally?

A photo of a girl writing in a notebook featuring a vivid flower with a mug of tea

One way to connect with plant consciousness is through meditation. Cultivate a sacred space, somewhere quiet and peaceful with positive energetic resonance. A place where you can sit in deep reflection, insulated from distractions. You may consider playing soothing ambient music in the background if you wish.

Sit comfortably, clear your mind and state your intention of developing a connection with a plant ally. Observe what comes up… which plant wants to be in your life? Ask- what lessons or medicine do they have to offer?

Another way to choose a plant helper is to consider what plants have already made themselves known to you. Have you dreamt of one before? Seen one mentioned in a podcast or instagram post? Is there a plant you keep running into while hiking or perhaps there’s one in your home that you are particularly fond of.

It is worth paying attention to what plants have already expressed a desire to get to know you.

From there you can acquaint yourself even further.

Sit with the plant and use all five senses to fully appreciate it. Greet it daily, sing to it, paint a picture of it. Leave it offerings if you feel called.

If safe (do your research/consult a doctor) imbibe it as a tea or tincture. Diffuse it in essential oil form. Sprinkle plant materials in the tub and bathe in its medicine.

If you engage in shamanic practices you may consider journeying to the lower world to find out more about your leafy friend or asking permission to merge.

Be creative in deepening your connection and receiving the intelligence and support of this nurturing being.

Once you have identified your plant ally please share them in the comments below.