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Magical Housekeeping and Purification

By April 13, 2023June 30th, 2023Blog, Energy healing, Lifestyle

Cleaning your home is not just a mundane chore that you have to check off your to-do list. The universal laws as above so below and as within so without would suggest that the external world mirrors our inner world. So if your home is messy and chaotic, that is actually an indication of what’s happening within you. Leaving clutter around actually keeps us moored to a past timeline. It represents a remnant of another day and as a result, can hinder you from moving forward with a clean energetic slate. That’s why it’s always a good idea to do a quick tidy at the end of each day (plus, maintaining is always easier than a deep clean!).

Cleaning helps prevent and release stagnancy and opens our energetic channels so that we are more capable of receiving abundance, blessings and opportunities. If you’re ever feeling stuck or in a rut, consider giving your home a little TLC. You may also want to consider regularly cleansing your space by sprinkling salt in the corners or sweeping it through the house, diffusing essential oils, spraying moon water, incorporating sound such as bells, drums or crystal singing bowls, or responsibly burning white candles or herbs.

Other alternatives include using reiki symbols or leaving lemon wedges on a plate overnight to absorb negative energy. Purification is especially important for rooms that are multi-use (i.e. a dining room that doubles as a home office), experience high foot traffic or incur a significant degree of emotional or mental energy. Cleansing your sacred space allows you to cultivate a serene and harmonious home environment.

cleaning quote

Like anything else, intention is everything. Cleaning your home can be infused with magic, creativity and even fun. It doesn’t need to be an act of drudgery. It is symbolic of releasing the challenges of the day and starting anew. It represents the process of rebirth within ourselves. Tending to your sacred space addresses a basic human need of good hygiene and as such, is tied to the health of your root chakra.

Arin Murphy-Hissock, author of The House Witch recommends coming up with an annual cleaning plan to help remove the guesswork and allow you to maintain sanctity and balance in your space, “For example, you may do a major purification twice a year (on the solstice, perhaps) with minor purifications on the first day of each month or at each full or dark moon.”

The environment you call home is a reflection of how you see and even treat yourself. When mopping the floors or washing the dishes, visualize scrubbing away any accumulated negativity so that you can welcome in the new. Cleaning is an act of reverence- a way of honoring and respecting the temple that is your home and simultaneously, the temple that is your inner world.

“Homes are symbolic representations of ourselves, and in fact in a deeper sense are extensions of ourselves.” -Denise Linn

three white tealights on windowsill