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The Key to Your Intuition

By July 8, 2021Blog, Intuition
the key to your intuition

The Key to Your Intuition

As a healer and intuitive, you know deep down that your sensitivity is your strength. But growing up, it probably felt like more of a curse. Maybe you were told to toughen up, to stop being so sensitive or to quit crying all the time. You learned it was easier to be what they wanted you to be.

So you developed thick skin and became more calloused, ignoring or dissociating from those tender parts of you that the world seemed to reject. But in doing so, you became disconnected from your authentic self, your psychic gifts and the key to your personal power.

Do you want to know how to become wildly intuitive? Tear down those walls and open your heart. You don’t need barriers or defenses. Love surrounds you and protects you. Everything other than love is an illusion.

Intuition is pure sensitivity. If you want to become more intuitive you need to open, soften and allow yourself to feel. Your intuition is not external, it is a bubbling wellspring inside of you; an inherent part of who you truly are. In order to drink from your inner psychic waters, you need to strip away all the layers and blocks that are preventing it from flowing fully through you.

Your higher self or oversoul is always bringing circumstances and experiences into your life that are divinely orchestrated so that you can transform and transmute these blocks. The more you heal your mind, body and heart, the stronger your inner voice will become.

Surrender fully to the present moment and welcome every sensation and feeling into your field of experience. Widening your consciousness and turning towards feeling will reveal information that you can turn into vision and clear knowing.

If you find yourself in an argument with your parent or partner, instead of shutting down, choose to open instead. If you’re on Twitter and your fingers are itching to react, open instead. Transcend reaction and you will open the gates of your intuition even further.

choose to open quote

Most intuitive information is beyond the small, rational concept of what you understand the Universe to be. The more you try to control each moment, the more energy you waste wanting things to be different than they are, the less intuitive you’re going to be.

Instead, I invite you to hold space for the unknown, for the things outside of your awareness, so that you can allow intuitive messages and information to come through. If you’re trying to exert your will on reality instead of letting go, there is probably no open space for guidance to enter.

Awakening happens when you don’t attempt to deny, escape or fix the present moment. Anytime you want to close, open instead and see what happens. The most effective way to become more intuitive is by opening in places you would prefer to be closed. Being here now grants you access to the wisdom of life.

Are you willing to be open? Are you willing to consider that vulnerability is the key to communion with the Divine, the One and All That Is? For true healing to happen, you can’t just open to the things you like and avoid the rest. You have to embrace it all- the light and the dark, the heavenly and hellish, the high and the low.