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July is Eclipse Season… Are you Ready?

By June 27, 2019November 23rd, 2020Astrology, Blog
The various moon phases shown in the night sky

July is Eclipse Season… Are you Ready?

July is a whirlwind month astrologically speaking. Not only does Mercury go Retrograde on the 7th, there are two imminent eclipses. You can find my tips for navigating Mercury Retrograde here. Expect a lot of shifting and movement in your life. Here is a breakdown of what is happening energetically. 

July 2nd, 2019 New Moon + Solar Eclipse in Cancer

A crab to represent Cancer

On July 2nd 2019 there is a new moon and solar eclipse in Cancer. This is a positive influence and it’s best spent with close friends and family. If you have been experiencing any conflict lately conditions are fortuitous for resolving problems and mending bridges. This eclipse has the ability to bring people together. There is also a good chance that you will meet new and interesting folks that may alter your perspective. 

In addition, it is a fertile time creatively speaking. With hard work, persistence and determination this is an opportune window to turn your dreams into reality. Right now, anything is possible. 

During the Solar Eclipse in Cancer ask yourself… 

Am I where I want to be?


What do I need to feel supported? 

July 16th, 2019 Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

A mountain goat to represent Capricorn

The Cancerian eclipse in early July is characterized by optimistic energy. In contrast, the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 16th will be dramatic and intense. The message of this eclipse is finding balance. I have experienced this within my own body of work lately. Trying to balance the spiritual plane with the human plane. Balancing career aspirations with domestic responsibilities and self-care. 

Where can you bring about more balance in your life? 

This is a potentially tumultuous time emotionally. There is the possibility of past wounding rising to the surface. We are being asked to confront our shadow selves. If there was ever an opportunity to release what no longer serves us, to dismantle that which is holding us back, this is it. Spirituality and energy work may be helpful for navigating these waters.

The best advice I can bestow is to go with the flow and allow the inevitable transformation to occur. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the authoritative Father archetype. Trying to hold on to or control the outcome will ultimately make learning our lessons more painful. Easier said than done, I know. 

The cathartic cleansing of this eclipse will make room for new ideas, beliefs and dreams to flood into our lives. 

This message from Tanzaa of Forever Conscious astutely captures the impact of this phenomenon:

“Eclipses… bring fated events and help to put us on the right track. In fact, if some big event does happen around an Eclipse, it is often viewed as something that was ‘meant to be’ and a significant milestone on your soul path.

Eclipses put us where we need to be, sometimes before we even realize it for ourselves. This can sometimes be a scary or challenging thing, but they do remind us that there is a higher plan, and a higher reason for the events that unfold in our lives.”

Happy Eclipse season 🙂