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How to Get the Most Out of Your Reiki Session

By May 18, 2020November 23rd, 2020Blog, Energy healing
how to get the most out of your reiki session

One of the questions I get asked most often is, “What should I do to prepare for a distance reiki session?”

Whether you’ve signed up for the weekly reiki circle or booked a 1:1 healing session with me I have a few suggestions that will enhance your experience and help you process the energy so that you can get the most out of it.

1. Set an intention– I recommend forming an intention for every reiki session. Intentions create a direct path for the energy, establish resonance and lead us towards that which we are seeking. They bring us in alignment with the power and support of the Universe. Some of the intentions I encounter frequently include: increased clarity and focus, energetic cleansing and removal of attachments and toxins, expanded confidence and feelings of worth, sacral chakra healing to revitalize creativity and get out of a rut and healing for specific areas of the body. Remember that intentions are most potent when they are borne from your heart space.

2. Hold a positive expectation– While I may be a reiki master, I am not your guru. I merely hold space for you to heal yourself. It’s important to recognize that you are the true healer here. Hold a positive expectation that your body and mind contain the wisdom and ability to heal on their own. You contain the blueprint of perfect health and wholeness within. If you open yourself up to the possibility that miracles could happen, you lift and improve your resonance.

3. Create a sacred space– If possible, I recommend preparing a quiet room or area in your home where you can relax, undisturbed. Consider playing relaxing music in the background (search “reiki music” on youtube, listen to Deuter’s Koyasan album or put on Zen Garden radio on Pandora). Diffusing calming essential oils such as lavender, sandalwood, sweet orange and others are a delight to the senses and promote rejuvenation. Many people like to light candles to create ambience and symbolize the light of Spirit. I invite you to lie down in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Simply be receptive to receiving the healing energy.

4. Incorporate crystals– Crystals have the capacity to amplify and reshape energy. They can also match the vibration of your intention. For each session I select crystals that I feel will energetically support you, but you can also benefit from using them on your end too. During a distance reiki session, I recommend placing a grounding crystal by your feet such as shungite, tourmaline, obsidian, onyx, jet, hematite or smoky quartz. You can also put two selenite wands on either side of your torso for an extra dose of cleansing, a pink stone near your heart and clear quartz above your head. As always, your intuition is your highest authority- only you can discern what is best for you. Have fun experimenting with crystals and harness the spirit of play.

5. Drink plenty of water– Sometimes reiki can peel away layers to release wounds, old hurts and toxins in the body, both physical and emotional. Aftercare is very important with energy healing. Drinking lots of water throughout the day is a wonderful way to cleanse your system. Taking a salt bath can also support you further to clear and ground. Water is symbolic of your intuitive, emotional self. Examine what came up for you. Observe any emotions that arise and invite them to stay as long as they need. You have space for all of them. Nurture your feelings and remember that you can breathe through anything. It is vital to process, integrate and release them. Many people experience big breakthroughs after reiki. Be aware of any insights, signs and synchronicities that the Universe sends your way.