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5 Healing Crystals for Self-Doubt

By July 23, 2019November 23rd, 2020Astrology, Blog, Crystals
Healing Crystals for self-doubt: Onyx, carnelian, citrine, tiger's eye. Accompanied by a feather, calendula leaves and a fig candle

5 Healing Crystals for Self-Doubt

The sun has moved into the sign of regal Leo. At this time it is easier to channel the confidence and natural leadership of the lion within. Leo steps happily into the spotlight and enjoys sharing their unique gifts to the world. As should you!

Do you ever get caught in the trap of comparing yourself to others? Feeling like you aren’t good enough or struggling to tap into your true worth? I would like to share with you the best healing crystals for self-doubt and insecurity. These supportive allies will enable you to step into your power and confidently shine your light. They are also a vibrational match for the dramatic and playful Leo season.

1.Carnelian– A natural confidence booster that will enable you to connect with your inner child and express your authentic self. This crystal can provide you with the courage and support to share your creative abilities without fear of judgment. On a physical level, it purifies the blood and protects the heart. Carnelian may also pump up the passion and romance by stimulating your sacral chakra.

2. Citrine– Citrine evokes positivity and optimism. It’s a veritable happiness crystal with warm, uplifting energy that is ideal for when you’re feeling down. Citrine can bring good fortune and generosity your way. It’s a wonderful tool for manifesting abundance. It has the ability to dissolve any blocks standing between you and your goals.

3. Sunstone– This talisman harnesses the power of the sun, the ruler of Leo. Sunstone will inspire you with a newfound joie de vivre and enthusiasm for your life’s purpose. This crystal can enhance prosperity and get you noticed by the right people leading to advances in your career. It helps release negativity and allow you to embrace your self-worth.

4. Tiger’s Eye– This alluring beauty will kindle your inner flame so you can magnetize success. It cleanses the wearer of any anxiety or worry and transmutes it into passion and determination. Associated with the root chakra, tiger’s eye is a grounding stone and will imbue you with the bravery you need to get what you want out of life and pursue your dreams fearlessly.

5. Onyx– A powerful crystal for shadow work, onyx is a wonderful ally for overcoming phobias, insecurities and other deeply rooted fears. It erodes any veil of illusions so you can finally glimpse your true self. It will protect you from negative energy and allow you to rise like a phoenix from the ashes, born anew. If you need to move through trauma of any kind onyx is the crystal for you.