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Big Book of Personality Quizzes: A Window to the Self

By October 31, 2019November 23rd, 2020Blog, Lifestyle, Personal Development
big book of personality quizzes

Big Book of Personality Quizzes: A Window to the Self

From a young age I have been fascinated with personality quizzes, from the Harry Potter Sorting Hat to the Myers Briggs. I will take any quiz I can get my hands on. Is it really any surprise that I chose to major in psychology? I am a highly introspective person and I enjoy discovering aspects of myself that were previously hidden or unbeknownst to me. After all, everyone knows that personality quizzes are the window to the… self. 

Personally I prefer quizzes of substance over the “Which Ice Cream Flavor Are You?” variety (although those can be fun too!). Here is a compendium of my favorites. If you know of any that I haven’t mentioned here, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I love coming across new ones!

My recommendation is to use these personality quizzes to increase self-knowledge rather than to fall into the all-too-easy trap of putting yourself in a box or affixing a label. For your entertainment I have included my results in parentheses. Join me and share your results below 🙂

1. Myers-Briggs [INFJ]

2. Enneagram [4] 

3. Human Design [Projector]

4. Primary Archetype Test [Alchemist] 

5. What’s your Dosha? [Vata Pitta] 

6. Harry Potter Sorting Hat [Slytherin o.O] 

7. Chakra Test