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A Letter to Empaths

By March 19, 2019November 23rd, 2020Blog, Intuition
A young doe in a field of wildflowers

As an empath I absorb other people’s energies like a sponge.

Sometimes I will walk into a room and feel acrid irritability or the ache of despondency.

I have to remind myself that these feelings aren’t mine.

This even more palpable around family members whom I already have an energetic connection to.

At times it can feel as though their emotions are not only swirling around in my aura, but taking residence in the crevices of my psyche as well.

It is beautiful to be able to feel so deeply.

As an empath you are a natural healer.

You are blessed with gifts that make you perfectly designed to help others.

You know what they are going through because you have the superpower of feeling what it’s like to be in their shoes.

No one can understand quite like you can, sensitive soul.

At times it is bittersweet.

It can be heartbreaking to experience another’s suffering.

But it is also incredibly fulfilling when you sense that shift…

When their spirit begins to mend.

One of the reasons you are here, why you are an empath, is to take on the energies of these Earthly souls so that they may experience release.

There is so much energy to process. There is so much work to be done.

It can be heavy, but it is important.

And no one is better equipped than you.

Don’t forget to ground, clear and protect yourself when needed.

Remember that your sensitivity is your strength.

Your open heart will lead the rest of the world to open theirs

and guide them towards ascension.

Thank you for showing up

for being you.